Search Results

Results for "submediums: Films - Feature,Films - Special Interest,Films - Documentary,Films - Foreign,Films - Animated,Films - Television,Features - Film, main_practice: Openness"
Time Out of Mind A poignant portrait of a homeless man who has fallen from grace and is struggling to survive.
In Jackson Heights A fascinating documentary that immerses us in a diverse and lively Queens neighborhood where community activism is alive and well.
Best of Enemies A documentary about the exchanges that started the trend of shouting matches passing themselves off as political talk.
Matt Shepard Is a Friend of Mine A heartfelt documentary about homophobia, a brutal murder, and the legacy of a promising young gay man.
Metalhead A deeply spiritual film about grief, forgiveness, and personal transformation: one of the most spiritually literate films of 2015.
The Croods An animated film that has it all: captivating characters, rich thematic material, humor, imaginative visuals, and an adventuresome quest.
Elsewhere A cross-cultural gem that opens our eyes, minds, and hearts to people in remote regions of the world.
The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls Profile of two lesbian sisters who as country singers in New Zealand advance liberal causes among their fans.
Allah Made Me Funny: Live in Concert Three Muslim comedians building bridges of understanding through humor.
For the Bible Tells Me So An important and edifying documentary that can convince many to open their hearts and their minds to support gay and lesbian equality.